Research Guidance

Ph.D Theses Supervised

S.No. Name Research Area Status Present Position
1 Swadesh Kumar Singh Hydro-mechanical deep drawing Completed (2004) Professor and Dean, GRIET Hyderabad
2 Sushanta Kumar Panda Formability of tailor welded blanks Completed (2008) Associate Professor, IIT Kharagpur
3 Bharat Modi Sheet hydroforming of an Al alloy Completed (2013) Professor, Nirma University, Ahmedabad
4 Dhruv Anand Formability of very thin brass sheets Completed (2015) Professor and Head Govt. Engineering College, Gandhinagar
5 Shefali Trivedi* (Ms.) Powder metallurgical processing of Fe-P alloys Completed (2017) Assistant Professor,YMCA University, Faridabad
6 Vijay Gautam Springback in tailor welded blanks Completed(2017) Professor, DTU New Delhi
7 Meraj Ahmed# Electro-hydraulic forming Completed (2017) Scientist E, CSIR-AMPRI Bhopal
8 D. Satish Raja Warm deep drawing of Al alloys Completed (2017) Post Doctoral Fellow, Univ. of Queensland,Australia
9 Fitsum Taye Hydroforming of cryorolled Al alloy sheets Completed (2018) TESLA, USA
10 Amit Kumar Hydroforming of tailor welded blanks Completed(2019) Project Scientist,IIT Delhi
11 Ved Prakash Material modeling for deep drawing simulation Completed (2020) Stamping simulation expert, FORD, Chennai
12 Kandarp Changela Cryorolling and constrained groove pressing of Al alloys Completed (2020) Assistant Professor , GH Raisoni College of Engg. Pune
13 Sunil Kumar@ Die design optimization for constrained groove pressing Completed (2020) Adhoc Faculty NIT Hamirpur
14 Archit Shrivastava Sheet metal forming using textured dies In progress Research Scholar,IIT Delhi
15 Srijan Prabhakar* Multidirectional forging of Al composites In progress Research Scholar, IIT Delhi
16 Ravinder Kumar Formability evaluation of automotive parts In progress Engineer, R&D, Hero Motor Corp., Gurgaon
18 K Mahesh + Constrained Groove Pressing of Ti Alloys In progress Research Scholar, IIT Delhi
19 Reeturaj Tamuly * Stir Casting and formability In progress Research Scholar, IIT Delhi
*Co-supervisor: Prof. S. Aravindan (IITD); # Co-supervisor: Dr M Nai, @ Co-supervisor: Dr. K. Hariharan (IITM) + Co-supervisor:Dr. S. Neelakanthan

List of M.Tech Theses Supervised

  1. Naveen Kumar Jha (1999), Finite element analysis and experimental study of simple upsetting .
  2. Avinash Pathak (1999), Characterisation of low-nickel austenitic
  3. UVN Ravi (2000), Computation of limit strains in sheet metal
  4. (Ms.) K Saritha (2000), Analytical prediction of thickness and punch force in axi-symmetric deep
  5. Sanjeev Kumar (2000), Combined effect of strain hardening and anisotropy on drawability of
  6. Naval Kishor (2001), Prediction of LDR and optimization of initial blank shape to minimize earing in deep-drawing using finite element
  7. Ashwin Mohadikar (2001), Improvement in drawability by hydraulic counter pressure deep
  8. (Ms.) Preeti Chowdhary (2001), Prediction of strip temperature in hot-strip
  9. Rambabu (2002), Improvement in formability by viscous pressure forming.
  10. D V Raju (2002), Finite element analysis of effect of planar anisotropy on springback in plane strain
  11. Amit Kumar Gupta (2003), Characterisation of formability of galvanised IF steel sheets. [M.S. (Research) (Completed)]
  12. Vidyasagar Reddy (2004), Effect of deformation on surface roughness in biaxial
  13. Rambabu (2004), Optimization of initial blank shape to minimize earing in square cup deep-drawing using finite element
  14. Vishal Dixit (2004) , Effect of strain rate on the deformation behaviour of IF and armour
  15. Vikram Patrikar (2005), Some studies on formability in stretch forming using hydraulic counter
  16. Romesh Agarwal (2005), Study of effect of annealing temperature on deep drawing and combined deep drawing-ironing processes for IF steel
  17. Vinayak Manohar Raut (2006), Study on springback of tailor-welded strips in V-bending.
  18. Anil Kumar (2007), Effect of sheet thickness and punch roughness on formability of sheets in hydro-mechanical deep drawing.
  19. Shirish Ghildiyal (2007), Simulation of multi-stage deep drawing of Inconel
  20. Rajvirender (2008), Formability of TIG welded aluminium tailor welded
  21. Ashish Rajoria (2009), Development of stress based forming limit diagrams for sheet metal forming, (Co-supervisor: Dr Rajesh Prasad).
  22. Nilesh Gajjar (2010), Prediction of failure in sheet metal forming by stress based forming limit
  23. GN Sivaprasad (2010), Simulation of multi-stage hydro-mechanical deep drawing of hemispherical bottom cups with large
  24. Prajeesh (2011), Improvement in accuracy of prediction of failure of aluminium alloy sheets using FE analysis.
  25. Sushil Kumar Singh (2012), Effect of peak pressure and material properties on formability in sheet hydroforming of square
  26. Purnendu Das (2013), Formability of cryorolled Al alloy
  27. Manish Singh (2013), Mechanical Properties and formability of friction stir welded Al alloy
  28. Chandrakishore Reddy (2014), Analytical prediction of friction coefficient in warm deep drawing.
  29. Parampal Singh (2014), Characterization of Al alloy Tailor Welded Blanks made by FSW (Co-guide: Prof. S Aravindan)
  30. S. Manikumar (2015), Isothermal and non-isotremal simulation of warm forming.
  31. Nikhil B. (2015), Bulk formability of Al-based P/M alloys. (Co-guide: Prof. S Aravindan)
  32. Rakesh Kumar (2016), Evaluation of performance of bio-lubricants in cold rolling of steel
  33. Ankush Thakur (2017), FEA of hydroforming of a two wheeler fuel
  34. Sajal Gupta (2017), Wear studies on Al and EDD steel sheets processed by cryorolling and constrained grove pressing. (Co-guide: Dr K Hariharan)
  35. Vikramaditya (2017), FEA of solar panel structure under dynamic loading.
  36. (Ms.) Jyoti Kumari (2018), Hot stamping of Al alloy
  37. Rahul Rahule (2018), Manufacturing of cutters for sheep hair shearing machine by hot stamping.
  38. Shubham Jain (2018), Development of process route for manufacturing combs for sheep hair shearing
  39. Himanshu Tiwari (2020), Formability of TWBs of steel of dissimilar grades and thickness.
  40. Amritpal Singh (2021), Simulation of sheet metal forming using different hardening laws.[In progress]