Department of Mechanical Engineering

List of Journal Publications

  1. Meraj Ahmed, Archit Shrivastava, D. Ravi Kumar and M. Nabi, Optimization of Process Parameters for Energy-efficient Electro-hydraulic Forming of Al-Mg Alloy Sheets, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Available Online February 2020, DOI:10.1080/2374068X.2020.1731228.
  2. Sunil Kumar, Hariharan K and Ravi Kumar D, Hybrid Optimization of Die Design in Constrained Groove Pressing, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 35 (6), (2020) 687-699.
  3. Ved Prakash, D. Ravi Kumar, Alexander Horn, Hinnerk Hagenah and Marion Merklein, "Modelling material behavior of AA5083 aluminum alloy sheet using biaxial tensile tests and its application in numerical simulation of deep drawing", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 106 (2020) 11331148.
  4. Kandarp Changela, Hariharan K and Ravi Kumar D, "Mechanical Behavior and Deformation Kinetics of Cryorolled Al Alloys", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 51 (2020) 648666.
  5. Bharatkumar Modi and D. Ravi Kumar Optimization of process parameters to enhance formability of AA 5182 alloy in deep drawing of square cups by hydroforming, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 33 (11) (2019) 5337-5346.
  6. Nilesh Gajjar, Bharatkumar Modi and D. Ravi Kumar Failure prediction in sheet hydroforming of square cups using stress-based forming limit diagram,Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 19, (2019) 17921800. (Selected as an Editors Choice Article for the year 2019)
  7. Kandarp Changela, Hariharan K and Ravi Kumar D, Development of combined groove pressing and rolling to produce ultra-fine grained Al alloys and comparison with cryorolling, Materials Science and Engineering A, 760 (2019) 7-18.
  8. Sunil Kumar, Hariharan K, Venkatachalam S, Ravi Kumar D, Murthy Haradanahalli S. N., Numerical and Experimental Study of Tensile Behavior of Sheets Processed through Constrained Groove Pressing, ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 141, 4 (2019) 041007.
  9. D. Satish Raja and D. Ravi Kumar, "Formability of AA 6061 alloy in warm forming temperature range" Proc. IMechE Part L: Journal of Materials - Design and Applications, 233 (2019) 413-425.
  10. Sunil Kumar, K. Hariharan, D. Ravi Kumar and Surajit K Paul, Accounting Bauschinger effect in the numerical simulation of constrained groove pressing process, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 38 (2019) 49-62.
  11. K. Changela, S Kumar, K Hariharan, D. Ravi Kumar, Aging behavior of ultrafine-grained AA 6061 alloy subjected to constrained groove pressing followed by cold rolling, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 651 (2019) 012069.
  12. Ved Prakash, D. Ravi Kumar, Marion Merklein and Hinnerk Hagenah, Numerical simulation of hydraulic bulging using uniaxial and biaxial flow curves and different yield criteria, , IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 651 (2019) 012038.
  13. Amit Kumar, D. Ravi Kumar and Vijay Gautam, Prediction of residual stresses in biaxial stretching of tailor welded blanks by finite element analysis, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 651 (2019) 012039.
  14. Dhruv Anand and D. Ravi Kumar, Prediction of flow curves of very thin brass sheets incorporating size effect in hardening model, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 651 (2019) 012028.
  15. Ved Prakash and D. Ravi Kumar, Numerical Simulation Of Warm Deep Drawing Incorporating Strain Rate Effect In Sheet Material Properties, Materials Today: Proceedings, 19 (2019) 25952602.
  16. Dhruv Anand, Archit Shrivastava and D. Ravi Kumar, Size Effect on Surface Roughness of Very Thin Brass Sheets in Biaxial Stretching Materials Today: Proceedings, 18 (2019) 24482453.
  17. Archit Shrivastava, Meraj Ahmed and D. Ravi Kumar, Optimization of Process Parameters in Electrohydraulic Forming using Taguchi Method, ISME Journal of Manufacturing Sciences, 8(1) (2019) 7-15.
  18. Fitsum Taye and D. Ravi Kumar, Enhancement of formability of Cryorolled AA5083 Alloy Sheets by Hydroforming, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Available online 24 May 2018,
  19. Fitsum Taye, P. Nageswara Rao and D. Ravi Kumar, Characterization of microstructure, mechanical properties and formability of cryorolled AA5083 alloy sheets, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 27(4), 2018, 1614-1627.
  20. Gautam, Vijay, Pankaj Sharma, and D. Ravi Kumar, "Experimental and Numerical Studies on Springback in U-Bending of 3-Ply Cladded Sheet Metal", Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2), (2018) 4421-4430.
  21. Amit Kumar, Vijay Gautam and D. Ravi Kumar, Maximum Bulge Height and Weld Line Displacement in Hydroforming of Tailor Welded Blanks,ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 140 (3), 2017, 031005-1-14.
  22. D. Raja Satish, Fitsum Taye Feyissa and D. Ravi Kumar Formability of Cryorolled Aluminum Alloy Sheets in Warm Forming, International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, Available Online, Vol. 6, No.2, 2018, 123-126.
  23. D. Ravi Kumar and M Manohar, Determination of Process Parameters in Multi-Stage Hydro-Mechanical Deep Drawing by FE Simulation, Journal of Physics: IOP Conference Series, 896 (2017) 1-7.
  24. D. Satish Raja, F.T. Feyissa and D. Ravi Kumar, " Cryorolling and Warm Forming of AA6061 Aluminium Alloy Sheets,Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 32 (12), 2017, 1345-1352.
  25. D. Satish Raja, D. Ravi Kumar and M. Merklein, "Effect of temperature and punch speed on forming limit strains of AA5182 alloy in warm forming and improvement in failure prediction in FE analysis" Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 52 (4), 2017, 258-273.
  26. D. Raja Satish, P. S. Mani Kumar and D. Ravi Kumar, Experimental and numerical studies on the effect of blank temperature and friction on warm formability of AA5182 alloy, ISME Journal of Manufacturing, 6 (1), 2017, 41-51.
  27. Vijay Gautam and D. Ravi Kumar, Numerical prediction of bending force in V-bending of tailor welded blanks, ISME Journal of Manufacturing, 6(1), 2017, 26-33.
  28. Vijay Gautam and D. Ravi Kumar, "Experimental and numerical investigations on springback in V- bending of tailor welded blanks of interstitial free steel", Proc. IMechE Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 232(12) 2017, 2178-2191.
  29. Meraj Ahmed, D. Ravi Kumar and M. Nabi, Enhancement of Formability of AA5052 alloy sheets by Electrohydraulic Forming Process", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 26 (1), 2017, 439-452.
  30. Shefali Trivedi, D. Ravi Kumar and S. Aravindan, Effect of annealing on mechanical properties and formability of cold rolled thin sheets of Fe-P P/M alloys, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 25 (10), 2016, 4537-4548.
  31. Vijay Gautam, Vinayak Manohar Raut and D. Ravi Kumar, "Analytical prediction of springback in bending of tailor welded blanks incorporating effect of anisotropy and weld zone properties" Proc IMechE Part L: Journal of Materials Design and Applications, 232(4), 2016, 294-306.
  32. Shefali Trivedi, D. Ravi Kumar and S. Aravindan, Development of thin sheets from Fe-P alloys through P/M technique, Procedia Materials Science, Volume 6, 2014, 129134.
  33. Dhruv Anand and D Ravi Kumar, "Effect of Thickness and Grain Size on Flow Stress of Very Thin Brass Sheets", Procedia Materials Science, Volume 6, 2014, Pages 154160.
  34. Vijay Gautam, D. Ravi Kumar and Ashish K Shukla, Effect of punch profile radius on springback in V-bending of tailor welded blanks welded in transverse direction, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 592-594, 2014, 1045-1049.
  35. Dhruv Anand and D. Ravi Kumar, "A study on the effect of punch size and thickness on formability of very thin sheets using finite element analysis", Journal of Machining and Forming Technologies, 5, 2013, 185-194.
  36. Bharat Modi and D. Ravi Kumar, Effect of friction and lubrication on formability of AA5182 in hydroforming of square cups, Materials Science Forum, 762, 2013, 621-626.
  37. Bharat Modi and D. Ravi Kumar, Development of a hydroforming set up for deep drawing of square cups with variable blank holding force technique, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 66 (2013) 5-8, 1159-1169.
  38. A. Anil Kumar, Satyanarayan Satapathy and D. Ravi Kumar "Effect of sheet thickness and punch roughness on formability of sheets in hydro-mechanical deep drawing", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 19 No. 8 (2010), 1150-1160.
  39. Sushanta Kumar Panda and D. Ravi Kumar, Experimental and numerical studies on the forming behavior of tailor welded steel sheets in biaxial stretch forming, Materials and Design, Vol.31 (2010), 1365-1383.
  40. Sushanta Kumar Panda and D. Ravi Kumar, Formability of tailor welded blanks in plane strain stretch forming, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.44 No.7 (2009), 675-685.
  41. Swadesh Kumar Singh and D. Ravi Kumar, Tooling design and development of set up for hydro-mechanical deep drawing, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol.18 Issue 3 (2009), 245-261.
  42. Sushanta Kumar Panda and D. Ravi Kumar, Improvement in formability of tailor welded blanks by application of counter pressure in biaxial stretch forming, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.204 (2008), 70-79.
  43. Swadesh Kumar Singh and D. Ravi Kumar, "Effect of process parameters on product surface finish and thickness variation in hydro-mechanical deep drawing", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.204 (2008), 169-178.
  44. Swadesh Kumar Singh, A. Dixit and D. Ravi Kumar, Optimization of the design parameters of modified die in hydro-mechanical deep drawing using LS-DYNA, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.38 No.1-2, 2008.
  45. Sushanta Kumar Panda, D. Ravi Kumar, Harish Kumar and A.K. Nath, Characterization of properties of two types of tailor welded blanks and their formability in biaxial stretch forming Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.183 (2007), 321-332.
  46. Sushanta Kumar Panda, D. Ravi Kumar, Numerical and Experimental Studies on Strain Distribution and Weld Line Movement in Stretch Forming of Tailor Welded Blanks, The Journal of American Institute of Physics (AIP): Conference Proceedings, 908 (1), (2007) 1451-56.
  47. Amit Kumar Gupta and D. Ravi Kumar, Formability of Galvanized Interstitial-Free Steel Sheets, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 172 (2006) 225-237.
  48. Swadesh Kumar Singh and D. Ravi Kumar, Application of Neural Networks to Predict Thickness Strains and Finite Element Simulation of Hydro-mechanical Deep Drawing, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.25 (2005), 101-107.
  49. Swadesh Kumar Singh and D. Ravi Kumar, Numerical Simulation of Hydro‐mechanical Deep DrawingA Study on the Effect of Process Parameters on Drawability and Thickness Variation, The Journal of American Institute of Physics (AIP): Conference Proceedings, 778 (1), 2005, 579-584.
  50. Swadesh Kumar Singh and D. Ravi Kumar, Numerical Prediction of Limiting Draw Ratio and Thickness Variation in Hydro-mechanical Deep Drawing, International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, Vol. 21, No. ½, (2004) 106-123.
  51. Swadesh Kumar Singh and D. Ravi Kumar, A comparison of different neural network training algorithms for Hydro-mechanical Deep Drawing, International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, Vol. 21, No. ½, (2004) 186-199.
  52. Swadesh Kumar Singh and D. Ravi Kumar, Development and Design Considerations of Hydro-Mechanical Deep drawing, Manufacturing Technology Today, Vol. 3 (2004), 3, 15-22.
  53. Swadesh Kumar Singh and D. Ravi Kumar, Improvement in Drawability by Hydraulic Counter Pressure Deep Drawing, Manufacturing Technology Today, Vol. 2 (2003), 6, 6-10.
  54. Naval Kishor and D. Ravi Kumar, Optimization of Initial Blank Shape to Minimize Earing in Deep-Drawing Using Finite Element Method, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 130-131 (2002) 21-31.
  55. D. Ravi Kumar, Formability Analysis of Extra-Deep Drawing Steel, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 130-131 (2002) 32-42.
  56. D. Ravi Kumar and K. Swaminathan "Formability of two aluminium alloys, Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 15 (1999) 1241-1252.
  57. D. Ravi Kumar and K. Swaminathan, "Tensile deformation behaviour of two aluminium alloys at elevated temperatures, Materials at High Temperatures, Vol. 16(4) (1999) 161-172.
  58. D. Ravi Kumar and K. Swaminathan Strain distribution during punch-stretching of two aluminium alloys, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 48 (1995) 14-17.
  59. D. Ravi Kumar, A. Sen and K. Swaminathan "On the formability and texture level of a recent automotive stamping grade Al-Mg-Mn Alcan alloy", Materials Science Letters, 13 (1994) 971-973.
  60. K. Swaminathan, A. Nandy and D. Ravi Kumar " A study on the elevated temperature tensile superplastic flow behaviour, its room temperature formability and texture profile of a new canadian Al-Mg-Mn Alcan alloy ", Materials Science Forum, Vol. 170-172 (1993) 287-292.

List of Conference Publications

  1. K Changela, S Kumar, K Hariharan and D Ravi Kumar, Aging behavior of ultra-fine grained AA 6061 alloy subjected to constrained groove pressing followed by cold rolling, 38th International Deep Drawing Research Group (IDDRG 2019) Conference, Twente, Netherlands, June 3-7 2019.
  2. Dhruv Anand and D Ravi Kumar, Prediction of Flow Curves of Very Thin Brass Sheets Incorporating Size Effect in Constitutive Model, 38th International Deep Drawing Research Group (IDDRG 2019), Twente, Netherlands, June 3-7 2019.
  3. Ved Prakash, D. Ravi Kumar, M. Merklein, H, Hagenah, "Numerical simulation of hydraulic bulging using uniaxial and biaxial flow curves and different yield criteria", International Deep Drawing Research Group (IDDRG 2019) Conference on Metal Forming 4.0, University of Twente, Netherlands, 3rd-7th June, 2019.
  4. Amit Kumar, D. Ravi Kumar and V. Gautam, Prediction of Residual Stresses in Biaxial Stretching of Tailor Welded Blanks, International Deep Drawing Research Group (IDDRG), University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, 3rd-7th June, 2019.
  5. Vijay Gautam, D. Ravi Kumar and Subhajit Konar, " Experimental and Numerical Characterization of Residual Stresses in Tailor Welded Blanks After Springback", 7th International 28th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2018), 13th to 15th Dec 2018, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India.
  6. Kandarp Changela, K. Hariharan and D. Ravi Kumar Stress Relaxation Studies on Cryorolled AA 5083 alloy, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN 10), 2017, 524-527, ISBN: 978-93-80689-28-9.
  7. Sunil Kumar, K Hariharan and D Ravi Kumar "Numerical Study of Constrained Groove Pressing to Produce Nanostructured Metallic Materials" Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN 10), 2017, 416-419, ISBN: 978-93-80689-28-9.
  8. Vijay Gautam, Bijendra Prasad and D. Ravi Kumar, Forming Behaviour of Tri-ply Cladded Sheet Metal of Stainless Steels with Aluminium in Core, Proceedings of 6th International 27th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2016), Pune, Dec.16-18, 2016.
  9. D Raja Satish, D Ravi Kumar and K Hariharan, Numerical simulation for prediction of failure in biaxial stretching of AA5182 alloy in warm working temperature range, International Conference on Computer Aided Engineering, Hyderabad, India, December 10-12, 2015.
  10. Vijay Gautam and D Ravi Kumar, "Application of Rule of Mixtures to Predict Springback in V-Bending of Tailor Welded Blanks by Finite Element Simulation", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering, GITAM University, Hyderabad Campus, India, 10-12th December, 2015, pp 396-400.
  11. D Raja Satish, P S Mani Kumar and D Ravi Kumar, Experimental and numerical studies on the effect of process parameters on warm formability of AA5182 alloy, 17th ISME Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, India, October 3-4, 2015.
  12. Meraj Ahmed, Sanjay Panthi, D. Ravi Kumar, Importance of various process parameters on pulsed power forming: An emerging forming and joining technology for component development, India International Science Festival (IISF-2015), IIT Delhi, India, 4-8 December 2015.
  13. Meraj Ahmed, D. Ravi Kumar, Sanjay Panthi, Role of Process Variables in Pulsed Power Forming, Recent Innovations in Advanced Materials (RIAM- 2015), AMPRI Bhopal, India, 29 December 2015.
  14. Fitsum Taye, D Ravi Kumar, Numerical simulation of conventional forming and hydroforming of square cups using cryorolled AA5083 alloy sheets, 17th ISME Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Delhi, India, October 3-4, 2015.
  15. Vijay Gautam and D. Ravi Kumar, "Numerical Prediction of Bending FForce in V-bending of Tailor Welded Blanks", Proc. of 17th ISME Conference, IIT Delhi, India, 3-4th Oct. 2015, pp 1-6.
  16. Vijay Gautam and D Ravi Kumar, "Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Effect of Weld Zone on Springback in V-Bending of Tailor Welded Blanks of High Strength Steel", Proceedings of the 5th International 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014), IIT Guwahati, Assam, India, 1214th December, 2014, pp 470-(1-5).
  17. Fitsum Taye, Purendu Das, D Ravi Kumar and B Ravi Sankar, Characterization of mechanical properties and formability of cryorolled aluminium alloy sheets, 5th International and 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, Guwahati, India, December 12-14, 2014, pp 511:1-6.
  18. B Prajeesh, D Raja Satish and D Ravi Kumar, Improvement in Accuracy of Failure Prediction in FE Simulations of Sheet Metal Forming of Al Alloys, 5th International and 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, IIT Guwahati, India, December 12-14, 2014, pp 525:1-6.
  19. Vijay Gautam, Ved Prakash and D. Ravi Kumar, Effect of punch profile radius and anisotropy on springback in U-bending of EDDQ steel sheet and its FE simulations, Proc. of International Conference on Smart Technologies for Mechanical Engineering, New Delhi, India, 25-26 Oct., 2014, p. 184-190.
  20. Bharat Modi and D. Ravi Kumar, Effect of lubrication on formability of square cups by sheet hydroforming, 7th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing, 16-19 June, 2013, Oulu, Finland.
  21. Bharat Modi and D. Ravi Kumar, Effect of process parameters on formability of aluminium alloys in sheet hydroforming, The 3rd Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing, ASMP 2012, IIT Madras, Chennai, India, August 30-31, 2012.
  22. Nilesh Gajjar, Bharat Kumar Modi and D. Ravi Kumar, Prediction of Failure in Sheet Hydroforming of AA 5182 Aluminium Alloy Using Stress Based Forming Limit Diagram, International Deep Drawing Research Group (IDDRG 2012) Conference, November 25-28, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India.
  23. Bharat Modi and D. Ravi Kumar, Effect of process parameters in hydroforming of square cups of AA 5182 aluminium alloy, International Deep Drawing Research Group (IDDRG 2012) Conference, November 25-28, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India.
  24. Dhruv Anand and D. Ravi Kumar, "Finite Element Analysis of Biaxial Stretch Forming of Very Thin Sheets in Microforming ", International Conference on Computational Methods in Manufacturing - ICCMM 2011, December 15-16, 2011, IIT Guwahati.
  25. D. Ravi Kumar and Bharat Modi Hydroforming of Aluminium Alloy Sheets for Automotive Applications, International Conference on Automotive Materials and Manufacturing (AMM 2010), October 6-8, 2010, Pune.
  26. Sushanta Kumar Panda and D. Ravi Kumar, Formability of Tailor Welded Blanks in Biaxial-Stretching with Counter Pressure, Proc. of International Symposium on Automotive Sheet Metal Forming, December 2007, Jamshedpur, India.
  27. Sushanta Kumar Panda and D. Ravi Kumar, Numerical and Experimental Studies on Strain Distribution and Weld line Movement in Biaxial-Stretching of Tailor Welded Blanks, Proc. of 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes (Numiform 2007), June 2007, Porto, Portugal.
  28. Sushanta Kumar Panda and D. Ravi Kumar, Finite Element Analysis of Effect of Thickness Ratio on Formability of Tailor Welded Blanks in Stretch Forming, Proc. of International Conference on Advances in Materials Processing and Characterisation (AMPC 2006), 28-30 August 2006, Chennai, 466-473.
  29. Sushanta Kumar Panda and D. Ravi Kumar "Experimental Studies on Formability and Strain Distribution in Biaxial-Stretching of Two Types of Tailor Welded Blanks", Proc. International Conference on Manufacturing and Materials Processing (ICMM2006), 14-16 March 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 117-122.
  30. Vikram Patrikar, Sushanta Kumar Panda and D. Ravi Kumar "Formability of Low Carbon Steel Sheets in Hydro-mechanical Stretch Forming", Proc. International Conference on Manufacturing and Materials Processing (ICMM2006), 14-16 March 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 87-92.
  31. S.K. Singh and D. Ravi Kumar, Numerical Simulation of Hydro-mechanical Deep Drawing - A Study on the Effect of Process Parameters on Drawability and Thickness Variation Proc. Sixth International Conference on Numerical Simulation 3D Sheet Forimng Processes (Numisheet 2005), Detroit, USA, August 15-19, 2005.
  32. S.K. Panda and D. Ravi Kumar, Use of Tailor Welded Blanks for Automotive Applications, Proc. of International Seminar on Minerals, Metals, Metallurgy and Materials (MMMM 2004), New Delhi, India, Sept. 9-12, 2004.
  33. S.K. Singh and D. Ravi Kumar, Effect of process parameters on drawability in Hydraulic Counter Pressure Deep Drawing, Proc. of AIMTDR 2004, Vellore, December, 2004.
  34. D.V. Raju and D. Ravi Kumar Finite Element Analysis of effect of planar anisotropy on springback in plane strain bending, Proceedings of ASME 2003 Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Chicago, Illinois USA, September 2-6, 2003.
  35. S.K. Singh and D. Ravi Kumar, Theoretical and Experimental Investigations on Hydraulic Counter Pressure Deep Drawing of EDD Steel Sheets, Proc. of Asia Steel International Conference - 2003, Jamshedpur, 9-12 April, (2003), pp. 3.g.5.1.1-3.g.5.1.6.
  36. S.K. Singh and D. Ravi Kumar, Experimental Investigations on Hydraulic Counter Pressure Deep Drawing, Proc. of AIMTDR 2002, Ranchi, December, 2002, 449-454.
  37. Sanjeev Kumar and D. Ravi Kumar Combined effect of strain hardening and anisotropy on drawability of sheets, Proc. of National Conference on Processing of Metals, Coimbatore, February, 2002.
  38. K Saritha and D. Ravi Kumar Analytical prediction of thickness and punch force in axi-symmetric deep drawing, Proc. of the National convention of Production Engineers, Varanasi, January, 2002.
  39. D. Ravi Kumar, M. Venkatraman, A.K. Verma and O.N. Mohanty Prediction of flow stress variation during multistage hot rolling of plain low carbon steels, Proceedings of International seminar on Manufacturing Technology Beyond 2000, Bangalore,17-19 November, 1999.
  40. M.Venkatraman, Pankaj, D. Ravi Kumar and O.N.Mohanty Prediction and control of Microstructural Evolution during Hot Rolling of Steel Presented at the Conference on Rolling Finishing Technology (CORFIT98), Sept. 22-23, 1998, Ranchi.
  41. M.Venkatraman, A.K.Verma, D. Ravi Kumar and O.N. Mohanty Hot deformation behaviour of low carbon steels Presented at the 51st Annual Technical Meeting of the IIM, Nov.14-17, 1997, Jamshedpur.
  42. D. Ravi Kumar and K. Swaminathan, "Sheet formability of a novel Al-Li-Cu alloy for manufacturing critical components for strategic aerospace applications", Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME), Bangalore, 20-22 December, (1995), 625-636.
  43. D. Ravi Kumar, K.Swaminathan and A.K.Singh Texture effects and formability of an Al-Li-Cu (1441 grade) alloy Presented at the 48th Annual Technical Meeting of the IIM, Nov.14-16, 1994, Visakhapatnam.
  44. D. Ravi Kumar and K.Swaminathan A Study on the formability of an Al-Li-Cu (1441 grade) alloy Presented at the Seminar on Aluminium-Lithium and Magnesium-Lithium alloys, Feb 24-25, 1994, Bangalore.
  45. D.Ravi Kumar and K.Swaminathan A Study on the room temperature forming behaviour of a recent stamping grade Al-Mg-Mn (Alcan) alloy Presented at the 47th Annual Technical Meeting of the IIM, Nov.17-19, 1993, Hyderabad.