Details of Sponsored Research Projects (as Principal Investigator):
“Manufacturing of combs and cutters using different processes for sheep hair shearing device” funded by Moody’s Analytics Knowledge Services, Completed, 2018-19.
“Development of forming limits of Al alloys in warm forming for better failure prediction in FE analysis” funded by Dept. of Science and Technology, Completed, 2013-2017.
“Simulation and design of coil and field shaper system for electromagnetic forming processes”, funded by TIFAC (under CAR program). Completed, 2008-2011.
“Simulation of multi-stage deep drawing of Inconel alloy for aerospace applications” funded by VSSC, ISRO Thiruvananthapuram, Completed, 2007 - 2010.
“Studies on deformation behavior of armour steels under medium strain rates” funded by DRDO, Completed, 2003- 2005. (Jointly with PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore).
“Characterization of formability of galvanized steel sheets” funded by Dept. of Science and Technology (under SERC fast track scheme for young scient-ists), Completed, 2001- 2004.
Details of Sponsored Research Projects (as Co-Principal Investigator):
“Multistage Modeling, Simulation and Optimization for Energy, Advanced Materials and Manufacturing”, Indo-German Partnership in Higher Education funded by UGC-DAAD, In Progress.
“Development of indigenous sheep shearing machine”, funded by CWDB, Jodhpur, Completed, 2013-2017.
“Development of Light Weight Ballistic Materials System for Body, Vehicle and Structural Armors”, funded by IIT Delhi, Completed, 2011-17.
“Micromanufacturing facility in Mechanical Engg Dept.” funded by DST (under FIST), 2007-2012. “Tool Deflection Compensation in Peripheral Milling of curved geometries”, funded by MHRD, Completed, 2007.
“Modernisation and removal of obsolescence in central workshop”, funded by MHRD, Completed, 2000.
Details of Consulting Projects (as Principal Investigator)
“Determination of FLDs of different grades of steel by using automated strain measurement system”, funded by Tube Investments of India Ltd., Chennai, Completed, 2018.
“Characterization of formability of extra low carbon steel sheets for manufacturing of tractor parts”, funded by John Deere India Pvt Ltd., Completed, 2012.
“Determination of tensile properties and forming limit diagrams Al alloys of different grades and thickness for aerospace applications”, funded by Trectronix India Ltd (Cessna India) Bangalore, Completed, 2010.
“Microscopic study on synchronizer rings”, funded by Chang Yun India Ltd., Delhi, Completed, 2007.
“Mechanical testing of bimetallic materials” funded by Shivalik Bimetallic Controls Ltd, New Delhi, Completed, 2007.
“Measurement of springback on 3 grades of steel sheets in V bending”, funded by Tata Steel, Completed, 2006.
“Estimation of Press Tonnage and Pump Capacity for Powder Compaction”, funded by B.J.Industries, New Delhi, Completed, 2005.
“Formability characterization of five different grades of steel sheets” funded by Tata Steel, Completed, 2004.
“Comparative Study on Load Assessment of M/S. Shiv Engg. Co. Pvt. Ltd.,” funded by Delhi Vidyut Board, Completed, 1999.
Details of Consulting Projects (as Co- Principal Investigator)
“Examination of the proposed facilities in capacity augmentation scheme of BHEL”, funded by BHEL, Completed, 2009.
“Analysis of Rotational forging by FEM” funded by MHI, Japan, Completed, 2008.
“Feasibility Study of Manufacturing High Tensile Steel Strappings”, funded by Vardhman Industries Ltd., Completed, 2004.
“Characterization of Low Ni-Austenitic Stainless Steel Grades” funded by Jindal Strips Limited, Completed, 1999.
“Training for Merchant Navy Engineers” funded by ARI, Completed, 1999-2000.