List of papers in journals: (Accepted / Published)
A Soni, A Chawla, S Mukherjee, R Malhotra, Effect of muscle contraction
on the lower limb response in low speed carpedestrian lateral impact -
simulations for a walking pedestrian, Vol 14, No 4, International Journal
of Crashworthiness, pp 1754-2111
S Mukherjee, Chawla A, A road crash reconstruction
technique, Vol 91, July 2010, Institute of Engineers Journal, pp 3-8.
A Soni, A Chawla, S
Mukherjee, R Malhotra, Effect of muscle contraction in high speed car-pedestrian
impact - simulations for walking posture, Accepted for International
Journal of Vehicle Safety.
Jani D,
Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Goyal R, Nataraju V, Repositioning the Human Body
Lower Extremity FE Model, SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars �
Mechanical Systems, Volume 2 No 1, pp 1024-1030, October 2009.
Soni A, Chawla
A, Mukherjee S, Malhotra R, Response of tonic lower limb FE model in
various real life car-pedestrian impact configurations � a parametric
study for standing posture, Int. J. Vehicle Safety, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2009,
pp 14-28.
Soni A, Chawla
A, Mukherjee S, Malhora R, Response of lower limb in full scale
car-pedestrian low speed lateral impact- Influence of muscle contraction,
International Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol. 14, No. 4, August 2009,
Chawla A,
Mukherjee S and Karthikeyan B, Characterization of human passive muscles
for impact loads using genetic algorithm and inverse finite element
methods, Biomechanics and modelling in mechanobiology, Volume 9, Issue 1,
page 67-76.
Chawla A,
Mukherjee S and Iyer SK, Use of optimization to position dummies in crash
simulations, Institute of Engineers Journal, Vol 89, July 2008, pp 42-46.
Subhash Wadhwa, Bibhushan, Jitendra Madaan and Anoop Chawla, An object-oriented framework for modelling control policies in a
supply chain, Accepted for publication in Int J of Value Chain Mngmt
Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Soni A and Malhotra R,
Effect of active muscle forces on knee injury risks for pedestrian
standing posture at low speed impacts, Vol 9, No. 6, 2008, Traffic Injury
and Prevention, pp 544-551.
Chawla A, Soni A and Mukherjee S, Effect of active muscles on knee ligament forces
during impact, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol 39, Suppl 1, 2006, P-S160.
Karthikeyan B, Chawla A and Mukherjee
S, Inverse finite
element characterization of
soft tissues using genetic algorithm, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol 39,
Suppl 1, 2006, P-S491.
Karthikeyan B, Mukherjee S, Chawla A,
Malhotra R, Inverse Finite Element Characterization of Soft Tissues Using
Impact Experiments and Taguchi Methods, Transactions Journal of Passenger
Cars � Mechanical Systems, SAE 2006, SAE paper No 2006-01-252.
Chawla A,
Mukherjee S and Snarma A, An algorithm for optimized generation of a
finite element mesh for folded airbags, International Journal of
Crashworthiness, Vol 10, No 3,�
2005, pp 2459-266.
Mukherjee S,
Chawla A, Karthikeyan B, A review of the mechanical properties of human
body soft tissues in the head, neck and spine, Institute of Engineers
Journal, Vol 87, November 2006, pp 10-24.
Mukherjee S,
Chawla A, Karthikeyan B, A review of the mechanical properties of human
body soft tissues in the chest, abdomen and upper extremity, Institute of
Engineers Journal, Vol 87, November 2006, pp 3-9
S. Mukherjee, A. Chawla, J. Jangra, Issues in ALE
simulation of airbags, to appear in the International Journal of
Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Mohan D and Nayak A,
Investigating the rollover propensity of a 15 seater mini bus, The International Journal of� Vehicle Safety, Vol 2, Nos �, 2007.
Mukherjee S, Chawla A,
Nayak A and Mohan D, Rollover crashworthiness of a rural transport
vehicle using Madymo, Intenational Journal of Crashworthiness, 2006, Vol
11 No 5, pp 495-503.
Mukherjee S,
Chawla A, and Iyer SK, Positioning of motorcycle dummies in crash
simulations, Intenational
Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol� 11
No 4, pp337-343, 2006.
Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Mohan D, Chandrawat S and Kumar V,
Predicting throw distance variations in Bicycle crashes, International
Journal of Vehicle Safety, Vol 1, No 4, 2006.
Chawla A, Karthikeyan B, Soni A, Mohan D, Finite element crash
simulations of the human body: Passive and active muscle modeling, Saadhana,
Vol 32, No 4, pp 409-426, August 2007
Chawla A,
Mukherjee S, Chawla A and Mohan D, Motorcycle safety device
investigation: A case study on airbags, Saadhana, Vol 32, No 4, pp
427-444, August 2007.
Gawade T, Chawla A and Mohan D Three-wheeled scooter taxi: A safety
analysis, Saadhana, Vol 32, No 4, pp 459-478, August 2007.
A. Chawla, Sandeep� Kadam, Singh S .P, Dynamic modelling
based optimal design of a crash helmet, Computer-Aided Design and
Applications, Vol. 3, Nos. 1-4, 2006, to be published,
Darpe A K,
Gupta K, Chawla A, Dynamics of a Bowed Rotor with a Transverse Surface
Crack, accepted for publicationin Journal of sound and vibration
A, Mukherjee S, and Sharma A,
Development of FE meshes for folded airbags, International
Journal of Crashworthiness, 2005, Vol 10, No 3, pp
A, Bhosale PV, Mukherjee S,
Modeling of Passenger side Airbag mesh, SAE Paper No 2005-26-059.
A, Mukherjee S, Mohan D, Bose
D, Rawat P, Nakatani T and Sakurai M, FE Simulations of motorcycle car
frontal crashes, validations and observations, International
Journal of Crashworthiness, 2005, Vol 10, No 4, pp
A. Chawla, S.
Mukherjee, D. Mohan, Dipan Bose, Prakash Rawat, M. Sakurai, T. Nakatani,
FE Simulations of Car � Motor cycle frontal crashes, Jari Research
Journal, 2004, Vol 26 No 10, pp 37-43.
A, Mukherjee S and Sharma A, Mesh Generation for folded airbags, Computer
Aided Design and Applications, Vol 1 No 1-4, P269-276, 2004.
AK, Gupta K, Chawla A, Transient response and breathing behaviour of a
cracked Jeffcott rotor, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND
VIBRATION 272 (1-2): 207-243 APR 22 2004
AK, Gupta K, Chawla A, Coupled bending, longitudinal and torsional
vibrations of a cracked rotor, JOURNAL OF SOUND
AND VIBRATION 269 (1-2): 33-60 JAN 6 2004
A.K.Darpe, K.Gupta and
A.Chawla, Experimental Investigation of the response of a cracked rotor
to periodic axial excitation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol 260
(2003), p 265-286.
A.K.Darpe, K.Gupta and
A.Chawla, Dynamics of a two crack rotor, Journal of Sound and Vibration,
Vol 259, No 3, 2003 pp 229-235.
Dileep Kumar,
A Chawla, S Mukherjee, T Nakatani and M Ueno, Prediction of Crushing
behaviour of honeycomb structures, International Journal of
Crashwortiness, Vol 8, No 3, 2003, pp 229-235.
S. Rao, Ashish K Darpe, A. Chawla, Kapil Bharati, D.A.Roy, C.K. Pithawa,
Umesh Chandra, A. Rama Rao, N.P.S. Gill, " Development Of Online Diagnostic System Software
For Turbogenerator Set Of Kakarapara Atomic Power Station", Advances
in Vibration Engineering, Vol 1, no 4, 2003, p 305-321.
AK Darpe, A Chawla and K
Gupta, Analysis of the response of a cracked Jeffcot rotor to axial
excitation, Vol 249 No 3, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2002.
JS, Pathak A, Chawla A, Blade life: A comparison by cumulative damage
T, SAKURAI M, CHAWLA A and MUKHERJEE S, A methodology for
Motorcycle-vehicle Crash Simulation-Development of Motorcycle Computer
Simulation Model, Jari research Journal, Vol.23, No.10, p28-35, 2001
Chawla A, Mukherjee, S, Mohan
D, Singh M, Sakurai M and Nakatani T, �A Methodology for car � motorcycle
crash simulation, Jari Research Journal, 2001, Vol 23, No 2, pp 18-21.
A Chawla, Dinesh Mohan, Vivek
Sharma and Janusz Kajzer, Safer Truck front design for pedestrian
impacts, Journal of crash prevention and injury control, March 2000, Vol
2(1), pp 33-43.
KR Bhupal Reddy, D Prasad
Raju, S Wadhwa and A Chawla, Applications of Simulated annealing to the
cell formation, Industrial Engineering Journal, Vol XXIX, No 8, August
2000, pp 2-26.
Bhupal Reddy, S Wadhwa and A Chawla, Application of back propagation
artificial neural networks in cellular manufacturing, Journal of
Production Engineering, Institution of Engineers (I), v80,
November 1999,
pp.43-46. ***Awarded Certificate of Merit***
A Chawla, K Raviraju and Amit
Gupta, Expert System for DFM of Die Cast Components, Journal of
Mechanical Engineering, Institution of Engineers, India, Vol 78, February
A Chawla, D Mohan and V
Sharma, Computer simulation of bus roll over crashes, Indian Journal of Transport
Management, March, 1998, Vol.
22(3), pp 135-142.
D Mohan, J Kajzer, KS Bawa
Bhalla and A Chawla, Imact Modeling Studies for a three wheeled scooter
taxi, Journal of Accident analysis and Prevention, Vol 29, No 2, 1997,
List of papers in Conferences: (Accepted / Published)
D Jani, A Chawla, S Mukherjee, R Malhotra, R
Goyal, R Khatri, N Vusirikala, S Jayaraman, Repositioning the human body fe model at the hip (femuropelvic)
joint, IRCOBI 2010.
R Marathe, A Chawla, S Mukherjee, R Malhiotra, Prediction
of lumbar spine posture for repositioning of spinal fe model, IRCOBI 2010
A Soni, A Chawla, S Mukherjee, R Malhiotra,
Lateral bending moment threshold of the knee joint � effects of active
muscles, IRCOBI 2010.
A Chawla, WJA Mike, S Mukherjee, Predicting
Fracture in Human Bones under Impact, World Congress on Biomechanics,
A Soi, A Chawla, S Mukherjee, R Malhotra, Repositioning
methodology for fe-hbm pelvis flesh to account for upper extremity
posture change, submitted to the SAE World Congress 2011.
Mike WJA, S Mukherjee, A Chawla, Reconstructing
fracture progression in impact, ESAR Conference 2010.
Teja K, S Mukherjee, A Chawla, Elastic response
of bones at varying strain rates, ESAR Conference 2010
Jain A, Mukherjee S and Chawla A, �Parameter
Estimation for a CMM for bones� Proceedings of the 4th National
Conference on Instrumentation and Control Engineering ICECON �09, Dec
2009, pg 71-74.
A Chawla, S Mukherjee, H Warhatkar, R Malhotra,
�Dynamic characterization of bovine medial Collateral ligaments� IRCOBI
Conference Proceedings. International Research Council on the
Biomechanics of Injury, York, Sep 2009, pp 109-113,
Anurag Soni,
Anoop Chawla, Sudipto Mukherjee, Rajesh Malhotra, �Effect of muscle
contraction in high speed car pedestrian impact �Simulations for walking
posture�, IRCOBI Conference Proceedings. International Research Council
on the Biomechanics of Injury, York, Sep 2009, pp 237-250
Dhaval Jani,
Anoop Chawla, Sudipto Mukherjee, Rahul Goyal, V Nataraju �Human body FE
model repositioning: a step towards posture Specific � human body models
(PS-HBM)�,� IRCOBI Conference
Proceedings. International Research Council on the Biomechanics of
Injury, York, Sep 2009, pp 327-340
Anurag Soni,
Anoop Chawla, Sudipto Mukherjee, Rajesh Malhotra �Effect Of Muscle
Contraction In Low Speed Car-Pedestrian Impact � Simulations For Walking
Posture�, 21st ESV, Stuttgart, June 2009, Paper Number 09-0366-O
Anurag Soni,
Anoop Chawla, Sudipto Mukherjee, Rajesh Malhotra , �Sensitivity Analysis
of Muscle Parameters and Identification of Effective Muscles in Low Speed
Lateral Impact�, Paper 2009-01-1211, SAE World Congress, Detriot, Apr
Dhaval Jani,
Anoop Chawla, Sudipto Mukherjee, Rahul Goyal, V Nataraju �Repositioning
the Human Body Lower Extremity FE Model�,�
Paper 2009-01-0922, SAE World Congress, Detriot, Apr 2009
Warhatkar, Anoop Chawla, Sudipto Mukherjee, Rajesh Malhotra ,�
Experimental Study of Variation between Quasi-Static and Dynamic Load
Deformation Properties of Medial Collateral Knee Ligaments�� Paper 2009-01-0392, SAE World Congress,
Detriot Apr 2009.
Soni, A.,
Chawla, A., Mukherjee, S and Malhotra R. 2008, "Response of lower
extremity in car-pedestrian impact-influence of muscle contraction.
IRCOBI Conference Proceedings. International Research Council on the
Biomechanics of Injury, Zurich, pp. 469-472.
Mukherjee S,
Chawla A, Mohan d, Singh M, and Dey R, Effect
of Vehicle design on Head Injury Severity and throw distance variations
in bicycle crashes,� Proceedings of
the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles Conference 2007, Lyon, France, June 2007.
Soni A, Chawla
A, Mukherjee S, Effect of
Muscle Contraction on knee loading for a standing pedestrian in lateral
impacts, Proceedings of the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles Conference 2007,
Lyon, France, June 2007.
Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Soni A, Malhotra R, Effect of
active muscle forces on knee injury risks for pedestrian standing posture
at low speed impacts, Proceedings of the IRCOBI
2007 conference, September 2007, Masstricht, Holland
M. Singh, R. Dey, S. Mukherjee, D. Mohan, A. Chawla, Effect of
vehicle design in bicycle frontal crashes, Proceedings of the IRCOBI 2007 conference, September 2007,
Masstricht, Holland
Chawla A, Soni
A and Mukherjee S, Effect of
active muscles on knee ligament forces during impact, accepted for World
congress of Biomechanics 2006.
Karthikeyan B,
Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Inverse finite element characterization of soft
tissues using genetic algorithm, accepted for World congress of
Biomechanics 2006.
S. Mukherjee,
A. Chawla, D. Mohan, V. Agrawal and S. Chadrawat, Throw distance in
bicycle frontal crashes, accepted for IRCOBI 2006.
A. Chawla , S.
Mukherjee, R Marathe, B Karthikeyan, R Malhotra, Determination of Strain
rate dependence of human body soft tissue properties using a SHPB accepted
for IRCOBI 2006.
Chawla A,
Sandeep K and Singh SP, Dynamic modeling based optimum design of a crash
helmet, Proceedings
of CAD �06 conference held in Bangkok in June 2006.
Chawla A,
Sharma G and Mukherjee S, A technique for developing FE meshes for human
bones from CT / MRI scan data, Proceedings of CAD �06 conference held in
Bangkok in June 2006.
A, Chawla A, Mukherjee S, A tool for developing FE meshes for folded
airbags, Proceedings of CAD �06 conference held in Bangkok in June 2006.
B.Karthikeyan, A. Chawla, S. Mukherjee
and A. Soni, Effect of Impactor massin free fall impact tests on
isoloated passive muscle tissue, to appear in Proceedings of 12th International Conference on
BioMedical Engineering (ICBME 2005), Singapore..
B, Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Malhotra R, Inverse Finite Element
Characterization of Soft Tissues Using Impact Experiments and Taguchi
Methods, Proceedings
of SAE 2006 World Congress.
A, Chawla A and Mukherjee S, Effect of Active Muscle Forces on the
Response of knee Joint at Low Speed Lateral Impacts, Proceedings
of SAE 2006 World Congress
R, Mukherjee S, Chawla A, and Malhotra R, Strain rate dependence of human
body soft tissues using SHPB, First International Conference on Mechanics
of biomaterials and tissues, ICOMBT 2005.
Chawla A,
Mukherjee S, Mohan D and Jain S, Validation of the cervical spine model
in Thums, Proceedings of ESV 2005, held in Washington DC, June 2005,
Paper No 05-0184-O.
S. Mukherjee, A Chawla, A. Nayak and D. Mohan, Rollover crash analysis of the RTV using Madymo, Proceedings of ESV
2005, held in Washington DC, June 2005, Paper No 05-0186-O.
Rogers N,
Zellner J, Chawla A and Nakatani T, Methodologies for motorcyclist injury
prevention by use of computer simulations, Proceedings of ESV 2005, held
in Washington DC, June 2005. Paper No 05-0311-W.
Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Jangra
J, Studies in Motor cycle airbags, proceedings of IRCOBI September 2005.
Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Nayak A
and Mohan D, Rollover crash analysis of the RTV using Madymo, accepted
for SIAT�05, to be held in Pune, in January 2005.
Chawla, Bhosale P and Mukherjee S, Modeling of foldig of passenger
side airbag mesh, SIAT�05, held in Pune, in January 2005.
A Chawla, S Mukherjee, D Mohan
and A Parihar, Validation of lower exteremity model in Thums, Proceedings
of IRCOBI 2004, Graz, Austria, 2004.
Rogers N, Zellner J, Chawla A
and Nakatani T, Methodologies for motorcycle injury prediction by means
of computer simulations, Proceedings of IRCOBI 2004, Graz, Austria, 2004.
A Chawla, S Mukherjee, D Mohan
and Jain S, Validation of the cervial spine model in Thums, Proceedings
of the Canadia Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference, Ottawa, Canada,
June 2004.
Chawla A, Mukherjee S and
Sharma A, Mesh Generation of folded airbags, Proceedings of the
International CAD conference, May, 2004, Pattaya, Thailand.
Mukherjee S,
Chawla A, Human Tolerance and Crashworthiness, Seminar on World Health
Day,April 14, 2004.
A. Chawla, S.
Mukherjee, J.S. Rao and Ashish K. Darpe, Development of an Online
Diagnostic System Software For Turbogenerator Set of GGSSTPP Power
Station Ropar, Workshop on condition monitoring, Chandigarh, January
of body parts consisting of bones as well as soft tisse: An experimental
and finite element study, S. Mukherjee*, A. Chawla, D.
Mohan and M. Metri, Proceedings of IRCOBI 2003.
Chawla A, Mukherjee S and Sharma
A, A tool for developing FE meshes for folded airbags, Proceedings of
NACOMM, 2003, New Delhi India.
Chawla A,
Mukherjee S and Sharma A, FE mesh generation for folded cloth � an
application in airbags, proceedings of Workshop on textile ropes and
cordages, December 2003, Delhi, India.
Chawla A,
Mukherjee S and Sharma A, Development of FE mesh for folded airbags,
Proceedings of ChinePAM 2003, Shanghai, China.
Darpe A, Gupta K and Chawla A,
Response of a rotor with an unstable propagating crack, Proceedings of
Implast 2003.
Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Mohan
D, Rajiv Kr, Tushar Gawade, FE Simulation studies of a three wheeled
scooter taxi, Proceedings of China PAM 2002, Beijing, 2002.
Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Mohan
D, Singh Jasvinder P, Nadeem Rizvi, Crash Simulations of a three wheeled
scooter taxi, Proceedings of ESV 2003, may, 2003, Magoya, Japan.
Chawla A, Mukherjee S, Mohan
D, Bose D,, Sakurai M, Nakatani T, FE simulations of car � MC frontal
crashes � validations and observations, Proceedings of ESV 2003, May
2003, Nagoya, Japan.
Chawla A, Mukherjee S and
Mohan D, Impact biomechanics in two wheeled and three wheeled vehicles,
Proceedings of Suymposium on large deformations, September 2002, Delhi.
S Mukherjee, A Chawla, D
Mohan, M Singh, T Nakatani and M Sakurai, Modeling Car � MC Sideimpact
Simulations, to appear in Proceedings of IRCOBI 2001, to be held in Isle
of Man, UK from Oct 10-12, 2001
T Nakatani, M Sakurai, Chawla
A and Mukherjee S, A methodology for motorcycle-vehicle crash simulation
-development of motorcycle computer simulation model, to appear in JSAE,
October 23-25, 2001
T Nakatani, M Sakurai, Chawla
A and Mukherjee S , Motorcycle-vehicle crash simulation construction of
motorcycle model, to appear in JASME, September 21, 2001
JS Rao, R Sreenivas and A
Chawla, Analytical and Experimental Investigations of mislaigned rotors,
to appear in Proceedings of ISROMAC-9,
JS Rao, R Sreenivas and A
Chawla, Experimental investigation of misaligned rotors, Proceedings of
ASME Turbo Expo 2001.
S Mukherjee, A Chawla et al,
Modeling of head impact on laminated glass wind shields, Proceedings of
IRCOBI 2000, Montpellier, France, September 2000.
Mukherjee S, Chawla A, Mohan
D, Singh M, Sakurai M and Nakatani T, Motor cycle wall crash, simulation
and validation, Proceedings of Pam Users Conference Asia 2000.
S Mukherjee, A
Chawla, P. Mahajan and D Mohan, "Preliminary analysis (using
PAMCRASH)of likelihood of neck injuries to helmet wearing personnel when
hit by bullets", 5th Injury Prevention and Control Conference, N.
Delhi, February 2000.
J. S. Rao, Ashish K Darpe, A.
Chawla, Kapil Bharati, D.A.Roy, C.K. Pithawa, Umesh Chandra, A. Rama Rao, N.P.S. Gill, " Development Of Online
Diagnostic System Software For Turbogenerator Set Of Kakarapara Atomic
Power Station", VETOMAC-I, 2000.
KR Bhupal Reddy, S Wadhwa and
A Chawla, Simulated annealing based cell formation methodology for parts
with multiple routings, Proceedings of the third intrenational conference
on operations and quantitative management, University of Western Sydney,
Sydney, Australia, Dec 2000.
A Chawla, JS Rao and A Pathak,
Blade Life - a comparision by cumulative damage theories, ASME TURBO EXPO
- 99, organized by ASME in Indianapolis in June 1999.
A Chawla and S Mukherjee,
Graphics Science in Engineering Education, Proceedings of the 11th�ISME conference, held in Delhi from 3-5,
A Chawla, S Pandey and NR
Naidu, An expert system for DFM of welded parts, Proceedings of the SERC
School on Advanced Manufacturing Technology, held from November 2-14,
1998 in Delhi.
A Chawla, D Mohan and V
Sharma, Computer simulation of bus roll over crashes, Proceedings of
A Chawla, Vivek Sharma, J
Kajzer and D Mohan, Safer truck Front Deisgn, Proceedings of the 1998
IRCOBI conference on the biokinetics of impact, held in Goteberg, Sweden,
September 16-18, 1998.
A Chawla, S Wadhwa and K Rama
Bhupal Reddy, Analysis of comparative performance studies on Job Shop and
Cellular Manufacturing Layouts, Proceedings of the 14th�International conference on CAD/CAM
Robotics and Factories of the future, Nov 30 - Dec 3, 1998 Coimbatore
Chawla A, Sharma V and Mohan
D, MADYMO as a tool to analyze India specific traffic conditions, MADYMO
User's meet, 1998.
A Chawla, KR Bhupal Reddy, D
Prasad Raju and S Wadhwa, Simulated annealing - An approach to the cell
formation, Proceedings of the 2nd�International conference on Engineering
Design and Automation, held at Hawaii, Aug 9-12, 1998.
A Chawla, Wadhwa S and KR
Bhupal Reddy, Part mix perturbations in cellular manufacturing - a simulation
study, Proceedings of AIMTDR'98, held from Dec 1-3, 1998
Chawla A, Wadhwa S, D Prasad
Raju� and KR Bhupal Reddy,
Artificial Neural Networks - An application in cellular manufacturing,
Proceedings of the 2nd�International
Conference on Engineering Design and Automation, held in Hawai, from
August 9-12, 1998.
H Hirani and A Chawla, Journal
Bearing Design : An integrated Approach, submitted for the Fifteenth
National Convention of Mechanical Engineers to be held in Hyderabad from
December 16-18, 1999.
H Hirani and A Chawla, A
simplified inverse solution to the liquid lubricated head disk interface,
submitted for International conference on Tribology of Information
Storage Devices, TISD-'99.
H Hirani and A Chawla,
Tribology of Information Storage Devices, submitted for the National
Conference on machines and mechanisms, 1999.
A Chawla and Vivek Sharma,
Crash modeling of Indian Bus structure, Proceedings of the 4th World
Congress on injury prevention and control, May 1998, Amsterdam,
A Chawla, R Chattopadhyaya,
Design of a creep testing machine for industrial ropes, Proceedings of
the NACOMM 1997 held in IIT Kanpur, in December 1997.
A Chawla and Amit Gupta, Use
of IT tools for DFM of Die Cast Components, Proceedings of the National
Conference on Information Technology for Industrial and Organization
Development, held in October 1997, in Delhi.
D Mohan and A Chawla, �Use of
Computer Modeling Techniques to optimize safety of country specific
vehicles in impact�, Proceedings of the International conference on new
frontiers in biomedical engineering, Tokyo, Japan (1997), PP281-284.
Rao JS, Chawla A and
Duttagupta C, Development of an off-line expert system for the condition
monitoring of an aircraft engine, Proceedings of the 6th International
Symposium on Transport Phenomenon and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery,
1996, pp 455-463.
D Mohan,
Janusz Kajzer, KS Bawa Bhalla and Chawla A, Impact Modeling Studies for a
three wheeler scooter taxi, Proceedings of IRCOBI�95, held at Brunnen,
Switzerland, September, 1995.
Chawla A and
Sangal R, An Intelligent Design System, Proceedings of the 7th AI in
Engineering Conference, Waterloo, Canada, 1992.
Chawla A and
Sangal R, Functional Reasoning in Configurational Design, Proceedings of
the 2nd AI in Design Conference, 1992.
Chawla A and
Sangal R, Abduction in Design, Proceedings of the 4th UNB AI Symposium,
University of New Brunswick, Canada, 1991.
Chawla A and
Sangal R, Capturing Design Knowledge, Proceedings of the Knowledge
Acquisition Workshop, Banff, Canada, 1991.
A Chawla and S
Ray, Design and drafting on PC based systems, Proceedings of the 23rd�Annual convention of the Computer
Society of India, held from January, 6-9, 1988 in Madras.