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Dr. Anoop Chawla
Volvo Chair & Professor,
Department of Mech. Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology,
Hauzkhas, New Delhi 110016.India

email: achawla@mech.iitd.ac.in
Phone: 91-11-26591058 (W)
91-11-26857840 (H)




Areas of interest


My areas of interest include Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics and Design Methodology, and Modeling in CAD / CAM / CAE. Some of the detailed topics are as follows:

         Artificial Intelligence related areas: Knowledge based systems, Model based reasoning, Knowledge acquisition, Machine learning, object oriented programming, Knowledge Based systems applications in engineering (in design, in engineering diagnostics, in manufacturing etc).

         Modeling in CAD / CAM / CAE: Modeling of vehicles for safety in crashes, Modeling using Finite elements and rigid body dynamics, Computer integrated manufacturing, Design Methodology

         Computer Graphics and related areas: Surface and solid modeling Computational geometry, and Computer aided design.












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