DSC_2250 (2)Welcome to the Neuromechanics Research Group at the Centre for Biomedical Engineering, IIT Delhi, headed by Prof. Deepak Joshi. Our research group explores the experimental and computational techniques in the following areas –

                               I.          Intelligent Prosthesis,

                            II.          Neuromotor Disorders like – Parkinson’s, Stroke, Cerebral Palsy, and Spinal Cord Injury,

                          III.          Alternative Medicine – Yoga, Meditation, Stress Detection.

We work on the neural characterization of balance and gait in various neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases, whose theoretical outcomes are then translated to rehabilitation, gait monitoring devices, and assistive devices for patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), Amputee, and Cerebral Palsy (CP). Our research group also explores rehabilitation strategies for upper and lower limbs through scientific and computational methods for stroke and Spinal Cord Injured (SCI) patients. 

Meanwhile, we are also investigating the therapeutic effects of mediation and yoga on dire conditions like cognitive stress, which includes the development of assistive devices to identify the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) activation. 

Apart from these, our work in cardiovascular health deals with effective wearable sensing technologies, anomaly detection, and the inspection of the electromechanical behaviour of cardiac muscles. 

Recently, the group has been actively involved in machine learning applications in various biomedical images and image processing. At first, thermal images are used for wound assessment for pressure ulcer detection. Later, image processing tools were utilized to characterize the dimensions of wounds.  Future work will involve image processing for musculoskeletal injuries such as MRI, CT, X-ray, and Ultrasound images.


Working opportunities

Project advertisement: We have immediate positions available for various position including JRF, SRF, Ph.D. in the area of Neuromechanics. Ideal candidates should have Electrical/Electronics/Mechanical/Computer science background. Expertise in embedded system design/control system/signal processing/robotics/machine learning is desired.

· Interested B. Tech and M. Tech Students looking for thesis projects in these areas are encouraged to directly contact.

· Outside IITD students can also apply for summer internship programs.

· Two Ph.D. positions available in a funded project (Assessment and prediction of recovery patterns in Spinal cord injury patients) jointly with the University of Zurich (Switzerland). The candidate should have good hands-on in Signal Processing and Machine learning. Knowledge of Biomechanics is a plus. There is one time opportunity to travel to the University of Zurich in the 2nd year of Ph.D.

· Positions also available in the recent project, “Image processing for Antinuclear Antibody Immunofluorescence Patterns”. The candidate should have a good knowledge in Image processing and artificial intelligence. 

· Feel free to contact (by email: joshid@iitd.ac.in) for any queries.

· LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/neuromechanics-research-lab-nrl-iit-delhi/

Participants recruitment for research: Upper limb amputees/lower limb amputees/stroke patients/ Parkinson’s patients. If you like to become a volunteer test subject, please contact us. The volunteer will be given Rs. 1000 INR per day based on his performance in the experiments.

Available facilities

Some of the facilities available with our group are as follows.

1.     Electroencephalography (EEG)

64-channel wireless EEG system (MOVE with actiCHamp from Brain Products, Germany).

2.     Electromyography (EMG)

Delsys manufactured 12-channel wireless EMG system (Trigno).

Related image

3.     Digital Goniometer

Digital Goniometer from Biometrics.

Related image

4.     8 Channels FES System (Functional Electrical Stimulators) - RehaStim2

The RehaStim has 8 channels to stimulate up to 8 muscles with attached electrodes.


             Developed prototypes

             Following prototypes are developed in the lab

1.     Force-myography (FMG)

Force-myography (FMG) is a method to register real-time body motions by measuring the radially directed force distributions that are generated by muscle contractions.


2.     Prosthetic leg

The prosthesis was designed and developed ingeniously in CBME-IIT Delhi. The prototype is experimentally tested on persons with transfemoral amputation showing promising results.


3.     Instrumented shoe

The instrumented shoe (patented) is developed to monitor gait analysis in real-life settings. Currently, the shoe is being clinically validated in Parkinson's patient and Diabetic population.


4.     Insole based foot pressure measurement system

These smart insoles (patented) are developed for the measurement of centre of pressure (COP) and are validated against the gold standard Zebris Force Plate.