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Devendra Dubey is assistant professor in Mechanical Engineering Department at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India. He received his PhD from Purdue University, Indiana, USA, in 2012, MS in mechanical engineering from University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA and Bachelors from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India. Prior to joining IIT Delhi, he was working with Honda R&D Americas Inc. in Ohio, USA.

Dr. Dubey works in a general area of computational mechanics at multiple lenghscales with a focus on understanding interfacial interactions and structure-property relationships in advanced materials and biomaterials, along with impact mechanics and blast mechanics of structures of interest. He has previously worked with polymer-ceramic type collagen-hydroxyapatite biomaterials for developing an understanding of the chemo-mechanics of constituents at nanoscopic lengthscales for higher mechanical performance, and also to develop an understanding of origins of bone related disorders using high performance computing.

His current research is collaborative and interdisciplinary in nature, and involves nanomechanics of brittle of bone disease, impact mitigation of ballistic structures, biomechanics and biotribology of knee and hip joints, interfacial mechanics of material layers in solar cells, blast injury modeling of human body parts. Other future works of interest are understanding lengthscale effects in hierarchical materials, nanomechanics of silk-hydroxyapatite biomimetic materials, and medical implant design.


Areas of Interest

Nanomechanics, Computaional materials science, Molecular modeling
Finite element modeling, Blast and Impact mechanics
Design for biomedical applications, Biomaterials & Biomimetics



Office : Block III, Room No. 259

Devendra Kr. Dubey
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology delhi
Hauz Khas New Delhi 110 016, India

Email: dkdubey@mech.iitd.ac.in
Tel: (91)-11-2659-1161
Fax: (91)-11-2658-2053

Curriculum Viate






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