DST-IITD Energy Storage Platform on Batteries (ESPOB)
(Multi Institutional Project), funded by Department of
Science and Technology (DST) (as Co-PI; PI: Prof. A. Verma),
July 2019-present.
Concentrated solution and porous electrode theory based mathematical modelling of thermal runaway in lithium-ion batteries (as PI), funded by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) under MATRICS, January 2024-present.
Prediction of "knees" through mathematical modelling of capacity fade and lithium-plating in Li-ion batteries, funded by Volvo Group India (as PI; Co-PI: Prof. S.S.Bahga), June 2024-present.
Development of a thermo-electrochemical model of a prismatic Lithium-ion cell, funded by Toshiba India Pvt. Ltd. (as PI; Co-PI: Prof. Anurag Goyal), October 2023 - March 2024.
An experimental exploration of efficient kinematics for
next generation flapping wing unmanned aerial vehicles
(FWUAVs), funded by Aeronautics Research & Development Board
(AR&DB) (as PI; Co-PI: Prof. S.S. Bahga), October 2021 -
June 2024.
Development of a numerical simulator for microfabricated
electrospray thrusters, funded by Indian Space Research
Organization (as Co-PI; PI: Prof. S.S. Bahga), June
2021-December 2023.
Capacity degradation of commercial lithium-ion cells
using accelerated testing and at room temperature, funded by
ReNew Power CoE (as PI), May 2021-August 2022. (Sanctioned
budget: INR 21.9 lacs).
To Initiate Boeing University Relationship
Programme at the Institute and as a part of the Aerospace
and Aeromodeling Activities among Students, funded by Boeing
Corporation India (as Co-PI; PI: Prof. Prateek Gupta; Co-PIs: Prof. P.V.M. Rao and Dr.
Supreet Bahga), October 2013-December 2021.
Swayam Prabha, funded by Ministry of
Education (MOE) (as PI), September
2019-August 2022 (project continuing under Head,
Central Sector Scheme for Massive Open Online Courses
(MOOCs) Compliant e-content Creation (NPTEL Phase IV),
funded by Ministry of Education (MOE) (as PI), July 2021-August
2022 (project continuing under Head, ETSC).
Condition monitoring and prediction of thermal runaway
through experiments, numerical modeling and estimation of
state-of-charge in Lithium-ion cells, funded by Department
of Science and Technology (DST) under Materials for Energy
Storage (MES 2017) (as PI; Co-PIs: Prof.S.S. Bahga and Prof. S. Bhasin), July 2018-October
2021. (Sanctioned budget:
INR 90.55 lacs).
Electrospun Nanofibers as Effective Polysulfide Trap for Advanced Lithium-Sulfur Batteries, funded by Department
of Science and Technology (DST) under Materials for Energy
Storage (MES 2017) (as Co-PI; PI: Prof.B. Nandan), July 2018-October
2021. (Sanctioned budget:
INR 68.4 lacs).
Selective Addition of Carbon Nanotubes in Graphitic
Anodes and its Effect on the Peformance of Lithium-ion
Cells, funded by Council of Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR) (as PI), May 2014-May 2017 (Sanctioned
budget: INR 18.5 lacs).
Effect of Wing Flexibility on Forward Propulsion of a
Plunging Membrane, funded by Aeronautics Research and
Development Board (ARDB) (as PI), December 2013-March 2017
(Sanctioned budget: INR 14.31 lacs).
Investigation on Capacity Deterioration in Lithium-ion
Batteries, funded by Department of Science and Technology
(DST FAST Track) (as PI), July 2013-June 2016 (Sanctioned
budget: INR 24 lacs).
Microstructural Modeling of Li-Ion Battery Electrodes
for Electric Vehicle Applications, funded by Renault-Nissan
Technology and Business Centre (India) (as PI), October
2012-September 2013. (Sanctioned budget: INR 7.63 lacs).
Experimental and Numerical Investigations on
Aerodynamics of Blended Wing Body (BWB) Tailless
Configurations, funded by Aeronautics Research and
Development Board (ARDB) (as Co-PI; PI: Prof. S.N. Singh),
Sept 2011-May 2015. (Sanctioned budget: INR 20.55 lacs).
Consulting Projects
Mathematical modelling of an Aluminum air cell, work performed for Chakr Innovation Pvt. Ltd. (as PI), June 2024 - present.
Consultancy Services for Design Vetting of Project Seabird Phase-IIA DC-02 Packages (as Co-PI, PI: Prof. D.R. Sahoo), July 2020 - July 2022.
Internal Funding
Development of a Lattice Boltzmann Framework for
Analysis of Fluid-Structure Interaction in Flapping Wing
Flyers, funded by Planning Unit (as PI), completed.
Forward Flight due to the Flapping Motion of a Rigid,
Symmetrical Wing, funded by IRD (as PI), completed.